sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

Nº 21

The Russian matrioskas


The russian matrioskas have their origin on the japanese lands and it wasn't until the late nineteenth century when they arrived in the Siberian country. There are several theories about the way that they arrived in Russia like these ones: they arrived to a toy story in Moscow as the figure of Fukurum and the owner of the store adapted them to the Russian store, it was during an art japanese exhibition and they were a divine representation of Fukurokuju...
But the truth is that these dolls weren't born in Russia, like all of we think, they were imported to Japan and then, they were adapted to Russian culture.

Their name come from the name more common of Russian girls: Matriona, and for adapt these dolls to the customs and culture of Russia, they were called Matrioshka.

About them

The Matrioskas simbolize the maternity, fertility and the symbol of Russian land. The fact that the small dolls are inside from the bigger ones is because they symbolize the fact that the mother gives birth a daughter, the daughter gives birth to another daughter and sucessively.

They are usually made from wood and the trees that are used to make this dolls are cut in the month of April because they have more wisdom. After been cut in blocks and processed for a least of two years, a wood master makes the choice of pieces that will be used for the creation of the dolls and all dolls included in a Matrioska must be constructed from the same block of wood.


Sabrina Husanu 3º ESO 

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