martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Papiro Egipcio


                       Papiro Egipcio

      El papiro fue el soporte de escritura del Antiguo Egipto. Esta elaborada con una planta acuática muy común en el río Nilo, en Egipto y en algunos lugares del Mediterráneo. El papiro se utilizó principalmente para la escritura. No comenzó a ser utilizado universalmente hasta la época de Alejandro Magno (siglo IV a.C.). Y su uso enpezó a decrecer por la caída de la cultura egipcia (siglo V dc), substituída por los manuscritos. Desapareció totalmente en el siglo IX.

Elaboración del Papiro

      Primero, se mantenía en agua el tallo de la planta durante una o dos semanas, luego, se cortaba en finas tiras que prensaban con un rodillo para quitarle parte de la savia. Después se disponían las láminas vertical y horizontalmente y se volvía a prensar para la parte que quedaba de savia sirviese como adhesivo. Por último se frotaban suavemente con una concha o un trozo de marfil quedando así dispuestas para su uso.



      El papiro sagrado era utilizado para hacer las barcas de los dioses. La planta también tenia un papel religioso en esta sociedad antigua: nacida en el sagrado Nilo y era portada en las procesiones, simbolizaba el renacimiento y la regeneración del Mundo. La planta de papiro fue representada como símbolo del Bajo Egipto.

 Otros usos del papiro
        Además del soporte para la escritura con esta planta también se hicieron objetos de cestería, sandalias, calzones, sombreros, cuerdas y incluso embarcaciones. También se decía que la planta tenía cualidades curativas. Ahora la planta acuática, casi extinguida en Egipto se utiliza para hacer objetos turísticos.


Carmen Cacabelos Romero 3º ESO - B 

The star of Alexander the great, Nº 12

The star of Alexander the great

The arched star or virginia's sun, is a star with sixteen rays. It was unearthed in 1977 in Vergina, in Macedonia by Manolis Andronikos. He discovered it recorded in the graves of the kings of the old Macedonian kingdom.

The meaning of the symbol it isn't clear. It can be a symbol of Macedonia, an emblem of the Argyle dynasty, a religious symbol or a decorative picture.The chest can belong to Filipo II or Filipo III of Arrideo.
Another version was found in the chest of Olimpia the mother of Alejandro Magno, but with 12 rays.

                                                                            Larnax of gold
             Arched star

Used in the three subdivisions 
of the region 
of Macedonia


          Carla Núñez Castro  3 ESO B

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Estrela de Alexandre Magno e a familia Arxéada, Nº 12


A estrela argéada, tamen coñecida como "Sol vergina" é un símbolo de dezaseis raios, descuberta no ano 1977, nunhas excavacións arqueolóxicas en Vergina, Macedonia.

Descuberta nun cofre dourado na tumba dos reis da antiga Macedonia. Dise que o cofre onde apareceu pertencía ao rei Filipo II, pai de Alexandre Magno.

A estrela argéada según dín, ten varios significados, pero case todos optan pola hipótese relixiosa, que representaba os doce deuses do olimpo.

Na actualidade é un símbolo da antiga cultura Macedonia e a Grecia actual.

O cofre está exposto no Museo Arquelóxico de Vergina.

Daniel Feijoó Vieites - 3ºB


domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017

Nº 11


  An Olive Wreath was the distinction (or the prize) for the winers of the Olympic Games. The Old Olympic Games were series of athletic competitions disputed by representatives of different greek city-states. The first Olympic Games were organized by the ancient greeks in Olympia, in 776 B.C. The Olympic Games were celebrated every four years. At that time in Olympic Games there were less events and only free men who spoke greek can compete, the Games were always celebrated at the same place. The last Old Olympic Games were celebrated in 393 AD, almost twelve centuries after their beginnings. Before the adoption of christianity as official religion of the Roman Empire, the emperor Teodosio banned all the pagan celebrations, and the Olympic Games are included in that group. The olive wreath consists in a siege of olive's branches, previously cut with a golden knife, the person who cut the siege was a twelve year old boy, but his parents had to be alive. The winers were proclaimed heroes in their cities too, and the State paid their feeding for lifetime.

Now, the winers get medals and prizes from their respective Olympic Committees, but the olive wreath was reused in the Olympic Games of Greece, in 2004.  









A pyramid is a structure with a square base and four sloping triangular sides that meet at one point. Pyramids were royal tombs and considered the place of ascent for the spirit of the pharaoh. Transporting stones for build a pyramid were very difficult. Sciences discovered that they made the sand wet and, then, they transported the stones, because this made the sand harder and so, they only had to use a half of strength. There aren’t many documents and we know almost nothing about the constructive methods used in the pyramids.

Truly, there aren’t a lot of traps in a pyramid. Some of them consist on camouflage passages and chambers. They didn't want to defend the chambers. They wanted to protect them.
One of the chambers inside a pyramid was the chamber of the pharaoh. In this chamber we can find the mummified body of the pharaoh inside a sarcophagus. In other chamber there were paintings in the walls and goods like gold, jewelers, figures of gods, objects that were important for the pharaoh... There were more chambers like the chamber where we can found the woman of the pharaoh…
One of the most famous pyramids is the pyramid of Guiza where we can find the chamber of the pharaoh Keops.



Sofía Vilanova Paz 3ºESO-A

sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

Nº 36


A Polaroid camera prints photos in a few minutes after having taken them.

Samuel Shlafrock was the first who invented this kind of camera in 1923, but the scientist Edwin Land made the first commercial instant camera in 1948.

In 2008 Polaroid bankrupted and it stopped making instant films and cameras, it closed down the factories, and 450 workers lost their jobs. Polaroid was bought by PLR Holdings and it uses the Polaroid brand to make different products related to instant cameras, for example one made to Fuji Instax.

Now these cameras are fashionable for teenagers.

I like these cameras and if I had one, I´d put this kind of photos around my bedroom.

Searched in Wikipedia


Nº 21

The Russian matrioskas


The russian matrioskas have their origin on the japanese lands and it wasn't until the late nineteenth century when they arrived in the Siberian country. There are several theories about the way that they arrived in Russia like these ones: they arrived to a toy story in Moscow as the figure of Fukurum and the owner of the store adapted them to the Russian store, it was during an art japanese exhibition and they were a divine representation of Fukurokuju...
But the truth is that these dolls weren't born in Russia, like all of we think, they were imported to Japan and then, they were adapted to Russian culture.

Their name come from the name more common of Russian girls: Matriona, and for adapt these dolls to the customs and culture of Russia, they were called Matrioshka.

About them

The Matrioskas simbolize the maternity, fertility and the symbol of Russian land. The fact that the small dolls are inside from the bigger ones is because they symbolize the fact that the mother gives birth a daughter, the daughter gives birth to another daughter and sucessively.

They are usually made from wood and the trees that are used to make this dolls are cut in the month of April because they have more wisdom. After been cut in blocks and processed for a least of two years, a wood master makes the choice of pieces that will be used for the creation of the dolls and all dolls included in a Matrioska must be constructed from the same block of wood.


Sabrina Husanu 3º ESO 

Nº33, Máscara da cultura Maya en cerámica

Los mayas utilizaban las máscaras de cerámica para representar cada Dios , para que su imagen quedara para la eternidad. Las personas que las usaban adquirían la personalidad y la entidad de cada Dios , querían preservar la eternidad para permanecer en la eterna presencia de los dioses.También se utilizaban para conservar el rostro de sus gobernantes.

Los mayas diseñaron máscaras de jade, que se colocaban sobre el rostro del monarca cuando morían , para que los dioses lo reconocieran. Las máscaras fueron hechas con mosaicos , conchas o con cerámica. A los mayas le gustaban mucho el color azul y verde , y por eso muchas de sus máscaras son de ese color , algunas de ellas pesaban sobre 4-5 kilos.

Resultado de imagen de mascara cultura maya ceramica


Sara Santorum Santos 3ºESO B

Olive wreath, Nº 11

The Acient Olimpic Games were a series of athletic competitions among representatives of   Greece city-states. The first Olympic was dated to 776 B.C in Olympia.

The  Acient Olympic Games were every four years. In theese, there were less events than in Olympic Games and only could participate the men that spoke Greek.

 The prizes for the victors were olive leaf wreaths or crowns. The olive wreath was a branch of the wild olive tree that grew at Olympia interwined to form a circle or a horse shoe.
The branches of the sacred wild-olive tree near the teample of Zeus were cut by a boy whose parents were both alive with a pair of golden scissors.

Then he took them to the teample of Hera and placed them on a gold-ivory table. From there, the judges of the Olympic Games would take them, make the wreaths and crown the winners of the Games.

The olive wreath was introduced by Hercules in honor of his father Zeus.

The last Acient Olympic Games was in 393 B.C, because the emperor Teodosio banned them.




viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017

Nº 4


The Venus of Willendorf is a feminine anthropomorphic statuette from 20,000 and 22,000 B.C.  Josef 
Szombathy found the piece near Willendorf (Austria), by the shore of Danubio’s River, in 1908. It’s the 
most famous Venus from the paleolithic. This figures are women with an imprecise face and with an exaggeration 
of her parts of the body (a bulky belly, enormous breasts, obese legs). The image of a fat woman who is bare was 
usual in Egyptian, Greek and Babylonians sculptures in Neolithic’s period too.
This figure of this bare woman measures about 10’5 cm high and 5’7 cm wide. It was carved in paleolithic limestone 
and it was tinted with red ocher.
On the whole this statuette represents the fertility’s concept, the scholars deducted that from its abdomen, vulva, 
buttocks and tits, they are really enormous. In contrast its arms are very thin and they almost are seen, they are folded 
on the breasts. It hasn’t got a very visible face because its head it’s coated by something like braids. It has got a hole
in its belly, the scholars think that it is the belly button. Its bulky pubis is expanded on thick thighs. But its legs are 
anatomically correct, its knees are together and the feet (which have not been represented or they have been lost) 
are separated from the body, so the statuette ends at the ankles.
We don’t know a lot of its origin, its creation’s method or its cultural meaning. We know that the piece represents the 
fertility’s symbol, but some scholars think that it represents the ideal beauty, but others think that this theory is 
impossible because it’s a fat woman (in my opinion it can represents the ideal beauty because at that time, it could be 
different,the purpose of life was breed, and if the statuette represents the fertility it can be the ideal beauty or the ideal 
woman for that time’s men).



O Backgammon ou "As táboas reais" é un dos xogos de taboleiro máis antigos e máis estratéxicos. A súa orixe non é moi clara, moitos historiadores cren que xa existían xogos semellantes hai 5.000 anos. Crese que o antecesor do Backgammon era o Xogo Real de Ur, atopado nunhas escavacións na tumba dun rei sumerio en Ur (Mesopotamia), o actual Irak.

Aínda que un descubrimento sitúa a orixe do Backgammon ao redor de 100 ou 200 anos despois, o descubrimento dunha mesa de xogo nunhas escavacións na cidade de Shahr-i Sokhta, o actual Irán.

Outros cren que a súa orixe está nun xogo de mesa do Antigo Exipto co nome de Senet, do cal hai referencias cunhas pinturas atopadas nas paredes dunha tumba da dinastía III e ós xogos atopados en tumbas de faraóns coma a de Tutankamon.

Tamén en Roma xa existía un xogo constituído por un taboleiro e tres dados co nome de Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum, co significado de "xogo das doce liñas", nome que co paso do tempo cambiouse polo de Tabula (mesa). Este xogo estendeuse moi rápido por todas as clases sociais, ata dise que o emperador Claudio tiña unha gran obsesión con este xogo e que sempre levaba nas viaxes un para entreterse.

As lexións romanas expanderon este xogo, pero coa caída do Imperio foi perdendo a popularidade pouco a pouco.

En Asia era xogada antes do século IX unha versión chamada Nard, a cal diferenciaba á Tabula romana co uso de só dous dados. Na China estendeuse co nome de T´shu-Pu, e en Xapón, Sugoroku.

Coas Cruzadas en Europa, o xogo experimentou un renacemento cando os soldados aprenderon a xogar unha versión árabe co nome de "tawla". Na Idade Media difundiuse rapidamente e o xogo chegou ata lugares como; Italia (tavola reale), España (táboas reais), Grecia (tavli), Turquía (tavla), Francia (tric trac), Alemaña (Puff) e Gran Bretaña (backgammon).

 -Reglas do xogo:

As primeiras reglas deste xogo non foron publicadas tal e como as coñecemos hoxe en día ata o ano 1743 por Edmon Hoyle a pesar da súa popularidade.

Neste xogo de dous xogadores cada un ten quince fichas que move entre vintecatro triángulos seguindo o número que sae nos seus dous dados. O obxectivo do Backgammon é ser o primeiro en conseguir mover as súas quince fichas fóra do taboleiro.

Aquí un pequeno vídeo explicando como se xoga ó Backgammon:



Paula Hernández Platero 3ºESO

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017


A Venus de Willendorf é unha estatua antropomorfa datada entre 20.000 e 22.000 anos a.C.. O arqueólogo Joseph Szombathy atopou a figura nun xacemento datado do período Aurignaciense do Paleolítico Superior, cerca de Willendorf (Austria) á beira do río Danubio en 1908. Foi a primeira peza escultórica do Paleolítico que se atopou.

Esta figura de muller mide 10,5 centímetros de alto, 5,7 centímetros de ancho e 4,5 de espesor con 15 centímetros de circunferencia. Foi tallada en pedra caliza e pintada de ocre vermello. A figura ten as mamas, o abdome, as nalgas e a vulva extremadamente voluminosos, polo que se asocia co concepto de fertilidade e maternidade. Os brazos son fráxiles e aparecen doblados sobre os peitos; non ten unha cara visible e ten a cabeza cuberta do que parecen ser trenzas, un tipo de peiteado o unha caparuza. A cabeza atópase inclinada cara adiante e o abdome amosa un gran oco como embigo. Os xeonllos están un pouco xuntos e os pés non están representados ou foron perdidos.

Algúns historiadores pensan que representa o ideal de belleza prehistórico; outros sosteñen que simboliza a “Nai Terra”; e outros que é un símbolo de seguridade, estatus social e benestar. Enténdese que esta figura tiña importancia porque foi trasladada cos membros da tribu, xa que está feita dun tipo de pedra caliza que non é orixinaria da zona onde se atopou e ademais pertence a unha sociedade nómade. 

Despois de este descubrimento, atopáronse outras estatuas similares á d) venus de Willendorf que apareceron en outros xacementos: a) Lespugue, Grimaldi e Tursac (Francia), Dolni Vestonice (República Checa), Savignano (Italia), ou b) Menton.

A venus de Willendorf estivo gardada nunha caixa forte ata que en 1998 amosouse ao público nunha exposición sobre arqueoloxía. Actualmente atópase no Museo de Historia Natural de Viena. 



Paula Vázquez Blanco 4º ESO